14 Oct '09: Karen produces a calendar to put dates and places together in one view :
This is a better format for the calendar. Gives an idea of days we have to spread journey over. I have input evies itinerary so as we play with that & move stops around. I hope this is helpful.
Namaste !
Karen ..
...but Frans can't see the details :
Can you widen the comments so we can see the Km's? They would be handy to know for the day to day planning
...and Karen produces the next version :
Hi Frans
I have put calendar on spreadsheet
This way you can save & adjust as you like
Hope this helps.
Namaste !
Karen ..
...and just when Frans thought she had measured all these distances on a map she follows it up with :
Hi Frans
Just thought I would mention I got the klm & hours from google earth. You may find this helpful also.
Go to “directions (in left hand column) – input town from-to & toggle down until it gives you klm & hrs in column to the left – even marks the route !! champion ….
Namaste !
Karen ..
.....well, even if this trip is not going to be a success, at least we all learned how to work Google Earth.....
But Karen is now starting to develop into the Google Earth expert :
Hi All,
I have been playing on google,.
I have marked with placecards. Do you find this helpful I intend to keep adding info re site to visit in each place to placecardsinformation
Cheers Karen

......From this Frans gets the idea to start a Web Blog so we can show the Home Front where we are at any given point in time :
Hi Karen,
Is it an idea setting up a Web blog so the 'Friends and Family' at home can follow where we are and what we're doing ?
...Yvonne likes Karen's map too :
Looking good karzza - good idea
....Frans noticed that Copenhagen is missing on Karen's map but Budapest has been added and from that another discussion evolves:
From: Frans
[mailto:] Sent: Wednesday, 14 October 2009 3:17 PMTo: Karen
Subject: RE: Google Earth Image
Karen, You forgot Copenhagen or did the plan change? Don't bother me because we'll be there before you arrive anyway. I do see Budapest on your map, if I had a choice I rather do Budapest then Copenhagen, it is supposed to be a magnificent place alongside the Danube river? Frans
...and the response....
Hi Frans
Plan hasn’t changed as far as I know. I added in Budapest because I would love to go there too! There are no plans set in concrete – I just have some spare time to meander around google web site - I have found I can mark places of interest, then apply accommodation options to the mix which indicates where accommodation is in comparison to town etc. Even shows the shopping centres, dining, places of interest in each town.
Have you any “must see” or “must do” to add?
Namaste !
Karen ..
...and Frans realizes that there will be some things he and Maxine will have to do whilst in Holland and whilst turning his mind to how to fit the compulsory items into the itinerary he can't help himself surpressing his logistic instincts and starts putting some practical suggestions forward to which Karen immediately responds :
RE: Google Earth Image
From: Karen (............@westnet.com.au)
Sent: Wednesday, 14 October 2009 4:23:09 PM
To: 'Frans Schlack' (..............@hotmail.com)
Cc: Yvonne Cook (...............@vianet.net.au)
[Karen] Hi Frans…………..
More then likely I'll have to go to Rotterdam to my head office so we can combine that with you guys having a look and see there.
Personally I wouldn't bother with Rotterdam too much, it is a modern city after the Germans bombed it to the ground in 1940. If you like ships and water you could do a Harbour tour of about 2 hours but if that isn't your thing don't bother. The Hague is where the Dutch Government is and although there are a few nice and interesting buildings to see, it is not too special but maybe that is because I grew up there. Nearby The Hague is Scheveningen, that is the Dutch 'Gold Coast', a bit touristy but for you probably interesting providing the weather is ok otherwise you'll freeze your little fingers off...
[Karen] I know Evie had the Hague on her list – I am sure we will enjoy whatever we do!!
Amsterdam would be interesting for you guys but logistacly we would be better off going there a day before you fly out again and stay one night there in a nice (and safe!) hotel so we can sample a bit of the night life, a dinner cruise through the canals could be great!
[Karen] I love this idea!!!! Do you think 1 day in Amsterdam will be enough?
I think that the area around Terwolde will appeal, esspecially to you. We're close to the pine forests where you can go for great walks and I think we would be better off doing a few 'closer to home' trips in the first few days because it will give us a chance to settle in and I'll bet you now we'll have to a bit of shopping to do anyway which we could combine... The German border is only an hour away and if shopping and fashion is your thing, one of the biggest shopping cetres of Germany (Centro) is only 1.5 hours via the Autobahn.
[Karen] I am looking forward to doing a lot of walking & maybe a bike ride (weather permitting). I am not that much of a shopper – No doubt the ladies will enjoy a shop & I am happy to join them at anytime. I will need to come home with a souvenir or 2.
I should do the right thing and see some of my family too but I haven't quite fitted that into the schedule yet,.... we'll see how we go about that one...
[Karen] Look forward to meeting your family maybe & must say you write a great email!!
Keep planning and scheming and No I don't know how to set up a web blog but I'll find out!
[Karen] shall keep on keeping on!!!!
....and Frans found out how to do it and started the Web Blog......
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