Friday, October 16, 2009

Preliminaries: where shall we go?

Frans wrote :

5 Oct '09 : After everyone agreed we should go to Europe together everyone starts to get excited. We get together over a large map of Europe and everyone chips in with where they would like to go and visit.

We are talking about going from Holland via Germany to Denmark and stay in Copenhagen for a day or two. From there onto Sweden to Stockholm and then catch a ferry back to Gdansk in Poland.

'The Meeting' is followed by an hectic email correspondence about visa's, ferries, passport validity, etc. :

Yvonne : Franz thats sounds pretty good. (About Ferry prices)

I have been looking at hotels in Copenhagen, stockholm and Prague will keep you informed as I have no idea of any
dates at tis stage.


Karen : Some interesting information we will need to take note of if we are travelling thru czeck republic …..

1. To drive on all major highways, a motorway toll sticker (available at petrol stations) must be bought and displayed. Failure to do so may attract an on-the-spot fine.

2. It is mandatory for vehicles to have their headlights on at all times.

3. Street crime such as pickpocketing is common in the capital, Prague, especially on the road to the Prague Castle, at popular tourist sites and on public transport. There is a high incidence of passport theft, especially during the summer months. There is also a high incidence of car theft, particularly of newer vehicles.

4. Travellers have been robbed when criminals using fake police ID have asked to check the authenticity of their foreign currency and passports. Perpetrators of such crimes often work near ATMs. Police officers in the Czech Republic are not authorized to authenticate the validity of currency or passports.

5. When in the Czech Republic, you are advised to change money only at banks or the money exchange shopfronts located on almost every street in tourist areas, rather than money changers on the street.

6. Make two photocopies of valuables such as your passport, tickets, visas and travellers' cheques. Keep one copy with you in a separate place to the original and leave another copy with someone at home.

7. It is illegal to photograph some buildings in the Czech Republic. These buildings generally carry signs stating that taking photos is forbidden. If in doubt, check with local authorities before taking photos.

Both Evie & my passport have plenty of validity.

Cheers for now

Namaste !

Karen ..

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